Sunday 30 December 2018

End of Year

Granny Square scrapghan,
being watched over by our lovely cat, Vegemite.
I must apologize again for a long absence between posts, life is always pretty hectic this time of year, but this year, doubly so.

At the end of October, my fiance and I moved from the upstairs apartment we were living in, as it wasn't viable with my pain, and now having to use a wheelchair to get around on bad days, and using a walking stick most days just to walk. We were offered a little 3 bed cottage with water views, that turned out to be a horrid deathtrap. So only a week after signing on at the new house, we left, leaving us homeless with no money, we were left with no other choice but to go home to our parents houses. Living apart again has been hard, but it is allowing us to slowly pay off bills that had accumulated with the moves and to save some money to move again, hopefully before Easter next year.

I have, however, still kept crafting, and working on crochet blankets (as seen above and to the right), Christmas crafts and baking, and have even started designing a new crochet baby cardigan that i hope to release early in the New Year.