Monday 30 July 2018

Cross Stitch

Back at the wee age of 8, I learnt the wonderful craft of cross stitch from my second grade teacher as we made little wall hangings for mothers day. On and off for the last 2 decades i have continued to dabble into the craft, but have lately really wanted to get back into it. On Friday at my fortnightly meetup with wonderful knitty and crochet friends, i went back for coffee with one of them, and after mentioning that i want to get back into cross stitch at our small detour via Spotlight, she said she had some Aida cloth and a small hoop i could have. 

Partly done sign,
which will be framed and stood on a table when complete
After having a coffee, back at her house, she dug out a big box of needle point supplies and went digging. She gave me a wonderfully large piece of 11 count fabric, and another of 18 count, and a few other goodies, before my wonderful partner collected me between errands.
So Saturday morning, i dug out my embroidery thread, got designing, and made up a basic look for a sign that i will use when attending markets.

Sunday 29 July 2018

Crafty Corner Designs

The name Crafty Corner Designs, where did it come from you may wonder, well the answer is fairly simple. When I first began my foray into knitting and crochet, 9 years ago, I was living with my parents and had only a corner in my bedroom for my craft area, thus the Crafty Corner was born, as I became more confident with my crafting skills and began designing little patterns of my own, I added the ‘Designs” part of the name, and it has stuck ever since.

Though no longer confined to just a corner, I have my own cosy little room with plenty of space and storage for my crafting supplies and enough room to expand to a new hobby of sewing in the not to distant future.

Most of my crochet and knitting that I do involves; small lap blankets and baby blankets, baby clothes, beanies, gloves, soft toys, and home decor items. I hope to start marketing these items soon at a local, monthly market located just a few hundred meters from the house I share with my wonderful and ever suffering partner and our little house panther (black cat) Vegemite.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, in whatever little corner of the world you may reside and I thank you for starting this new blogging journey with me.

Wednesday 25 July 2018


Welcome to my little slice of blogger paradise!

I am an avid fibre artist, with skills in knitting, crochet, and a little bit of sewing and needlepoint. My aim in this blog is to post my ramblings from my over active creative brain and keep people updated on what I am up to when nestled up in my cosy little craft room.

Ocassionaly I may also post about my medical condition, fibromyalgia, as it can sometimes prevent me from doing the hobbies I so love to do, but for now only craftiness shall infest the post of this blog.